On Poppies and Imitating Non-Muslims – Paul Salahuddin Armstrong

Posted on November 15, 2014

Paul Salahuddin Armstrong

By Paul Salahuddin Armstrong


Apparently, according to some guy called Abu Baraa, wearing poppies is imitating “non-muslims” like Jews and Christians.

“There has even been a campaign recently pushing Muslims to wear ‘poppy hijabs’ and similar clothing. This is worrying not only because of the dangers of imitating non-muslims in their, religious clothes, commemorations, their annual days and religious practices, but also because it highlights the lack of awareness among the new generations about the history of these practices.” (http://www.abubaraa.co.uk/)

Well what about prayer caps, long shirts, turbans, headscarves etc.? When Muslims first started wearing these in the time of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, were they not imitating Jews, Christians and other “non-muslims”, or doesn’t that count?

What can I say? Other than it highlights the lack of awareness among the new generations about the history of these practices!

The argument about imitating…

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